



Amstrup - et godt dansk familienavn.


I min ungdom hørte jeg igen og igen, at der var 7 amstrupfamilier i Danmark - og dermed sikker også i resten af verden.


Jeg synes det kunne være lidt sjovt, at samle oplysninger om de angiveligt 7 familier og tilbyde plads her på dette site for informationer om navnet Amstrup.


Min "Amstrup familie" stammer fra en gård i nærheden af Vemb lidt nord for Ringkøbing fjord.




Amstrup - a good old Danish family name.


When I was a young man I was told that originally there were 7 Amstrup families in Denmark - and in the rest of the world for that matter.


I think it would be fun to collect information about the 7 families and publish on this site.


My "Amstrup family" originates from a farm called Amstrup a little noth of Ringkøbing fjord in the Western part of Jutland, Denmark.



Family Members »


   Ole Amstrup


Mail address »


If you have the name Amstrup, and you want to have an e-mail address or just let me know and I will give you one for free. / © 2009